Hi! I’m Toni Mires, a creative introvert who's had several identities!
I was raised in Potterville, a small township southwest of Lansing, but eventually moved to Lansing post-high school graduation. Feeling doubtful about my original direction as a dental hygiene major, I switched to graphic design after taking a typography class and feeling great fascination for design communication. Since switching majors and attending Central Michigan University, I’ve obtained an internship at CMU’s Media Graphix, the campus’s design firm, where I’ve grown as a designer and gained great experience in working for clients.
Outside of design, I love to brighten everybody’s day and take people by surprise with my humor, personal interests, and stories. However, I always take my responsibilities as a designer seriously and strive for perfection in my work, paying close attention to detail, and making sure a client or instructor receives what they ask for. However, to me, the best part of graphic design is the balance of structure and creative freedom!
Favorite Typeface: Meno Banner
Favorite Software: InDesign. I like typographical work over illustrative work, and InDesign makes that easy.
After Graduation Plans: I would love to stay in the Lansing/mid-Michigan area, and going wherever te wind takes me for a job!