Hello, my name is Isabel also known as IKarnes in the digital space!  
I grew up in a small town in beautiful West Michigan filled with winding rivers, endless forests, and lakes sprinkled in between. I don’t stray too far from my roots with a love for the outdoors and  hobbies that include fishing, hiking, and camping during the warmer months of the year. 
I have had a love for visual arts my entire life, but it was not until high school that I really started to explore the digital world. The moment I opened Illustrator; I knew that this is what I wanted to do. I enjoy every step of the process from brainstorming to finishing touches, but nothing feels as good as seeing the final work displayed. 
When I am feeling a little bit out of place, I enjoy entertaining my creativity with printmaking, photography, and painting. 
Favorite Typeface: Etna Extrabold 
Favorite Software: Illustrator - Best pen tool!
After Graduation Plans: Working as an in-house designer, social media (photography, design, posts), small Midwest town working remote/hybrid.
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