My name is Brett Best, I am from Troy Michigan located on the northern side of Metro Detroit. 
Growing up so close to Detroit, I became very interested in art from seeing graffiti throughout the city but one work that can be seen of a huge mechanical lion on the side of an abandoned building off the highway always caught my eye. I have never thoroughly enjoyed school throughout the years but after taking a class in high school graphic design sparked my interest and I haven’t looked back since. While I love designing for school and creating works in my spare time that allows me to express myself through design. My main other interest are hockey, soccer, video games, and I have found a love for vintage clothing and streetwear fashion that I believe has influenced my style in which I design. Art is meant to create feelings within people, and I strive to share my creativity through my design work to spread positivity and shed light into people’s lives in this strange/cruel world we live in.
Favorite Typeface: Arial Black 
Favorite Software:Illustrator, I enjoy creating logos and illustrations with the pen tool and various other tools within the program. 
After Graduation Plans: I have no set in stone plan yet but I would like to work in the fashion industry and live in a city such as New York or Chicago.
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