My name is Mohogany Wells (MO-HA-GUH-NEE) not Mahogany, or any other troubled pronunciation people tend to have with my name. Though this is a hassle to deal with, it is a conversation starter for anyone who first meets me. 
Like my name, my design work is unique. The foundation of my graphic design career started in my hometown of Lansing MI, where my digital creativeness and personal brand was built. I am not secluded to one category of art, even though I enjoy creating digitally. Now that I have transitioned into college my other interests include ceramics, painting, printmaking, and many more. But my overall design aspects I tend to work in consists of logo work, and different design illustrations. 
Through the transition from the beginning to now, my love and development of my craft has improved. Creating art has always been a favorite hobby of mine, so I am glad that I’ve made it my overall career.
Favorite Typeface: Anything Calligraphic
Favorite Software: It between Photoshop or Illustrator, but if I had to choose I would go with Photoshop. Because I feel that I can stylize my work more within this software. Like outer glows, and various gradient color features. 
After Graduation Plans: My plans after graduation is to land a internship or job within the graphic design field. Mostly work of clothing design, advertisement, etc. To give me more experience for my personal design business that I already have. I want to live in a big city, not sure where yet. 
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