Hi! My name is Caroline Sharbaugh and I am a graphic design major from Royal Oak Michigan. 
One of my favorite things to do is solve problems; especially by solving them in efficient and creative ways. In other words, I use design thinking as a tool for various activities like food service, designing literature for the campus newspaper, and even when I am relaxing by playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends. Not only that, but it challenges me to take risks when needed or push myself out of my comfort zone and find new perspectives and ways of looking at life. I am also always eager to learn as much as I can about graphic design and other mediums of artistic expression. With new problems to solve and new forms of art to create, I intend to never stop learning and challenging myself. 
Favorite Typeface: Helvetica Neue Medium 
Favorite Software: I'm a sucker for Adobe Indesign. I love to organize information, and this software does just that! It also has many tools that can make my designs seem more dynamic. 
After Graduation Plans: I'd like to become a freelance graphic designer eventually, but for now I want to work for a design studio in one of three states: Michigan, Wisconsin, or Minnesota..
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